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Erlendur thought it was thick buildinginsulation plastic.
He then set up a company that used sheep's wool as the key material in a new type of buildinginsulation.
Nova's products are used to make everything from buildinginsulation and electronics parts, to consumer stables such as food packaging and garbage bags.
Consultants McKinsey and Sweden's state-owned power group Vattenfall, for instance, once ranked buildinginsulation as the single most profitable measure to fight global warming.
Buildinginsulation group Kingspan has completed a $200 million (€140 million) private placement of 10 year senior loan notes, it confirmed today.
Usage of thermal insulation in English
Granulated cork is added to concrete for thermalinsulation and reduced weight.
The hygroscopic tests of such aerogel composites demonstrate a reversible thermalinsulation.
The corner from one of the shuttle's thermalinsulation blankets came unstuck during Atlantis' launch.
From their supply canisters, they swiftly removed thermalinsulation, a breather pack, airtight clothes, sealants.
Many big-chain hotels are switching to eco-friendly alternatives such as LED lights and high-efficiency thermalinsulation.
The mission had been delayed by 24 hours to fit some missing thermalinsulation to the cooling system.
The habitat version of the LASS lander would include about two tons of supplementary thermalinsulation and meteoroid shielding around its hydrogen tank.
The ministry is this year reviewing six standards other than earth building, including those for steel structures, timber frames, thermalinsulation and window performance.
Neoprene is a widely used petroleum-based synthetic rubber known for its thermalinsulation and snug fit, making it wetsuit manufacturers' go-to choice for decades.
The guidance systems, the sensors, fuel tank slosh baffles, thermalinsulation, power circuits, generators... the million components that went into making up the starship structure.
The Vacuum Insulation Panel (VIP), regarded as the most promising high-performance thermalinsulation material, still has application limitations because of its high cost.
Martin Marietta proposed an ACC "environmental protection system" comprising 707 pounds of thermalinsulation and a 2989-pound "acoustical barrier."
" Thermalinsulation." She snapped the shield back into place.